Plant of the Month


Size Chart
Regular price $60.00

Only 2 items in stock!

2020 brought us many things. Like zoom calls and a realization that our partners talk to work colleagues completely differently than they do at home.

But the big revelation is that our home decor needs freshening up.

That’s where our subscription boxes come in. For just $60, not only will they freshen up your zoom backgrounds, they’ll just generally freshen up 2021.

Of course, they’ll also make a fantastic gift for someone you really care about or for someone who happens to be related and you feel obligated to buy them a gift.

Either way. It’s all good.

Here’s what the $60 includes:

  • 1 x 5" Pot & Saucer, $26 value 
  • 1 x 5" Houseplant
  • Delivery Fee - $14*

This month's delivery will be a Begonia Maculata Wightii aka Polka Dot Plant in a Big Virago Pot & Saucer. But if you would like this one sooner just send us an email

Here are the deets:

Our minimum order is for 3 consecutive months. Starting on this month on the 17th, 2021, and after that, we’ll aim to deliver around the 17th of the following 2 months. 

At any time after the 3rd month, you can cancel or suspend your subscription.

*Delivery by courier is only available in the GTA. 

Need help keeping
your plants alive?

Now is the time to learn how to stop killing your plants.
Learn more about them and how to make them thrive!