Monstera Deliciosa, 5"


Size Chart
Regular price $23.85

5" Monstera Deliciosa


So here's the deets. The name Monstera literally means “delicious monster", probably due to the fact that in the wild, it bears incredibly rich fruit that tastes like a combination of strawberries, passion fruit, mango, and pineapple. It's also ideal if you prefer low-maintenance house plants. It’s quite resilient and would survive if you forget to water it every once in a while. Something we guarantee you will do.

Monstera Family

Monstera Adansonii

Monstera Deliciosa

Variegated Monstera

Care Tips

     Care Level

The Monstera plant is low-maintenance. It only asks for minimal care and it's not super needy when it comes to sunlight. So you'll have a good place for your plant at almost any spot in your home. This makes it a great plant for new plant parents.


What's the best spot for your Monstera? Place it in medium to bright indirect sunlight, but never in full shade. Don't put it in direct sunlight though either, otherwise the leaves will turn yellow. During the growing season (April – October) the plant should produce new leaves almost weekly. If that's not happening then move it to a lighter spot.


Ok, everyone forgets to water once in a while. And that's ok. Well, it actually isn't. But the good news is that your Monsterra isn't a water guzzler. You just need to aim to water every 10 to 14 days in spring through summer and every 14 to 21 days in the winter months. The other biggy is brown spots on leaves. That's a sign of too much water. We'd also suggest wiping the leaves regularly. Not only is this good for humidity, but it also prevents the leaves from getting dusty- letting in sunlight which helps with photosynthesis.


Monstera's grow in the rainforest, so average to high humidity is best. You can also make them grow faster by increasing the humidity around them.


Monsteras prefer normal room temperatures between 68–86 °F (18 to 20°C). It's a rainforest thing.


Monsteras prefer normal room temperatures between 68–86 °F (18 to 20°C). It's a rainforest thing.

     Other fun facts:

We're not entirely sure how fun these are, but they are facts. The technical term for plants making holes or clear parts in their leaves is called “leaf fenestration”, and is not unique to Monsteras. Knowing this will allow you to pass yourself off as a Monstera expert to your friends and people you half-like. Monsteras were first discovered in 1693. That's 84 years before the US gained independence and over 300 years before the Shoe Umbrella was invented.

If your monstera plant is still fairly young and small, you may just need to give it time. With good light, the right amount of water, and a little fertilizer, your monstera should grow and eventually develop those beautiful holes and splits on its own when it's 2-3 years old.

Many scientists believe that the leaves are filled with holes due to the fact that they have to compete with other plants to gain sunlight (just like the premise behind every reality show). This adaptation allows the plant to cover more area while not wasting energy on a fully developed leaf blade

A well-balanced fertilizer at half-strength using an NPK ratio of 20-20-20 is best. Either a liquid fertilizer or a slow-release fertilizer can be used.

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