How-to care
for your Philodendron
Philodendrons have fast growth rates. Typically planted during spring, but can thrive during anytime of the year. The Philodendron genus is the second largest member of the Araceae family with nearly 500 species. The two main types of philodendron are vines and non-climbers. Originates from the Caribbean, Colombia and Venezuela, but also grows in Asia nowadays.
Philodendron care doesn’t ask for regular pruning. Just trim out any discolored leaves, stems and dead aerial roots with sharp garden scissors for a clean look.
For a Philodendron Burle Marx plant, you need well-draining soil. This type of soil ensures excess water drains through the plant pot.
Philodendron plants are very quick growing plants. Its vines can grow up to 10 cm per week if it's in the growing season
Leaves of some Philodendron are usually very large (3 to 6 feet in length) gigantium variety. Flowers of philodendron emit pheromones which attract male beetles of the subfamily Dynastinae and Rutelinae which are responsible for the pollination of these plants.
Philodendron Family
Philodendron Pink Princess
Philodendron Xanadu aka Winterbourne
Philodendron Burle Marx
Philodendron hope’
Philodendron xanadu
Philodendron brasil
Philodendron Moonlight
Philodendron White Knight
Care Tips

Care Level
Philodendrons are quite easy-growing and quick-growing plants, so perfect for first timers!

Thrives in a location with bright, indirect sunlight. Perfect near windows - make sure sun rays are not touching the foliage directly. If your Philodendron is getting too many yellow leaves at once, it may be getting too much sunlight. However, 1 or 2 yellow leaves is nothing to worry about.
If your Philodendron is getting too little light, the vines will stretch and there will be a lot of space between individual leaves. If you see this happening, your plant needs a brighter spot.
Pale colour leaves lacking the characteristic dark green color is typically a straightforward indicator of poor lighting. You should move your plant to a brighter spot.

Allow top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. They tend to absorb a lot of moisture when growing quickly. It helps to use a pot with drainage holes. This helps any excess water to escape, keeping your plant happy.
Look out for droopy leaves - this means the plant is either getting too much water or not enough water. This can be fixed easily with the correct watering schedule.
If you notice the edges getting brown and dry then you’re underwatering. If the leaves turn yellow and the soil feels soggy it could be a sign of overwatering

Philodendrons are tropical plants, so a higher humidity environment would be ideal. It will also help promote their shiny foliage. If your plant is in a lower humidity environment, misting the plant can help. Be weary of the environment before you decide to mist. Brown leaf tops usually indicate that the humidity is too low.
Our favorite method for creating humidity is the pebble tray method.
The more plants you have the more humid the environment will be.

18 to 25 degrees Celsius during the day would be a great range for your plant to thrive.
Dark patches on the leaves could be due to cold draft exposure. Cut off the damaged leaves and move your plant to a warmer location.

Nope. It's toxic for pets just like Monstera. It's actually one of the most toxic plants. So make the choice; plant or cat? We'd pick plant every time. Sorry, Mittens.

Other fun facts:
Name "philodendron" originates from Greek words "philo" which means "love" and "dendron" which means "tree"
The first rule of Philodendron care during propagation is that you should do it ONLY in the growing season when the weather is relatively warm and humidity is moderate to high. Spring is the ideal time.
Philodendron is an important source of food for bats and monkeys in the wild.
No matter the type of fertilizer you use, you want a fertilizer that’s high in nitrogen . The nitrogen helps the leaves grow and glow.
Some species of philodendron are poisonous for mice, rats and cats.
Coffee grounds are an efficient source of nutrition for plants, but they must be used in moderation. Houseplants like Philodendrons
Philodendron are sometime grown because they can neutralise some poisons commonly found indoors, most notably formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene.
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